Plant Stress Response - Ethics International Press


Plant Stress Responses delves into the intricate mechanisms by which plants perceive, respond, and adapt to various stress conditions at the molecular level. The book explores both biotic and abiotic stressors, such as pathogens, drought, salinity, temperature extremes, and heavy metals, providing a comprehensive understanding of the molecular pathways and regulatory networks involved in plant stress responses.

Table of contents 

  1. Chapter 3: Gene Expression Regulation under Stress Conditions
  2. Chapter 5: Epigenetic Regulation of Stress Responses
  3.  Chapter 9: Hormonal Regulation of Stress Responses
  4. Chapter 10: Genetic Engineering for Stress Tolerance
  5. Chapter 11: Case Studies in Crop Improvement
  6. Chapter 12: Future Perspectives and Emerging Technologies

Publishing Timeline

Submit an Abstract to confirm your contribution

Submission Timeline
Chapter Submissions: November 15, 2024
Revisions: December 15, 2024
Final Submission: February 15, 2025
Publication: March 30, 2025

Abstract requirements: It should be concise, three to five sentences, and no more than 150 words. Avoid personal pronouns and use the impersonal voice: for example, "this chapter explores" is better than "in this chapter, I explore". The chapter titles do not need to be repeated in the chapter abstracts. 

After the acceptance of the complete chapter, the contributor contract will be provided.

To submit, please click Make a submission